The Journey
Rest, Release, Respond
Mission: The Journey reaches out, with unconditional love, to young adults aged 14-26, assisting their transition from unstable, sometimes traumatic, childhoods to self-sustaining adulthoods. Teaching them with a combination of individualized support, immersive experiences, and hands-on classes; and guides them in forming healthy relationships, accessing resources, and discovering new possibilities for their futures.
WHO: Young adults, age 14-26
WHAT DAY: 4th Thursday of each month,
January Through October
WHEN: 6:00 to 8:30 pm
WHERE: A Divine Encounter
1019 East Coliseum Blvd
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46805
What are Seeds?
The start of something new.
Grows into something that provides nourishment.
Capable of developing into something strong & beautiful.
Part cooking class and part wellness coaching for everyday life, Seeds is a class packed with essential skills and knowledge for living a healthy and grounded life.
The first hour is a cooking demonstration for healthy meals that can be made quickly and on a budget.
The second hour is a health and wellness session facilitated by April Wilkinson, a certified health and wellness coach.
To RSVP for Seeds, please contact Windy Cobb-Johnson or April Wilkinson.